Build 74
- Fixed issue with Demurrage Calculation.
- Exclude locked Admins from Support page.
- Fixed WO Reset function in Admin page.
- Added demurrage rate slabs for Corridor Free Days and Container Tracking.
- Fixed issue with Carrier Free Days container size setting.
- Added 'All Services' field to Custom & Advanced Reports.
- Fixed issue with addition/removal of events as per services.
- Fixed issue with Advanced Reports KPI export.
- Removed Page Hit statistics.
- WO Data statistics added to Data Quality Report.
- Entity Group table added to Master Tables.
- Entity Group field added to Entities.
- 'Shipper/Receiver' & 'Contractual Customer' Group fields added to Custom & Advanced Reports.
- Entity Group filter added to Advanced Reports.
- Entity Management re-designed with Entity Group filter.
- Responsible Person field added to Ops Export.
- Added internal option to de-activate entities.