Saturday, 2 February 2013

Build 74

  1. Fixed issue with Demurrage Calculation.
  2. Exclude locked Admins from Support page.
  3. Fixed WO Reset function in Admin page.
  4. Added demurrage rate slabs for Corridor Free Days and Container Tracking.
  5. Fixed issue with Carrier Free Days container size setting.
  6. Added 'All Services' field to Custom & Advanced Reports.
  7. Fixed issue with addition/removal of events as per services.
  8. Fixed issue with Advanced Reports KPI export.
  9. Removed Page Hit statistics.
  10. WO Data statistics added to Data Quality Report.
  11. Entity Group table added to Master Tables.
  12. Entity Group field added to Entities.
  13. 'Shipper/Receiver' & 'Contractual Customer' Group fields added to Custom & Advanced Reports.
  14. Entity Group filter added to Advanced Reports.
  15. Entity Management re-designed with Entity Group filter.
  16. Responsible Person field added to Ops Export.
  17. Added internal option to de-activate entities.