Saturday, 29 December 2012

Build 71

  1. Added Days/Hours option to KPI Dashboard charts.
  2. Fixed User Management lock/unlock issue.
  3. Added confirmation for lock/unlock.
  4. Fixed document upload issue.
  5. Added Status filter to Dashboard.
  6. Added Status filter to Interactive Reports > KPI Status Report.
  7. Added global email find/replace functionality.
  8. Fixed viewstate content wrapping in system log.
  9. Disable Vessel/Voyage on work order creation when data fields don't exist in corridor.
  10. Added option to display Work Order Data in Work Order Header.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Build 70

  1. Fixed issue in Template generation time.
  2. Add online help links to main pages.
  3. Added 'Responsible Person' field to Custom & Advanced Reports.
  4. Added 'Open KPIs' filter in KPI Filters on the Operations page.
  5. Added Custom date filter in Dashboard.
  6. Added Work Order ID in Document upload response email.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Build 69

  1. Fixed Interative Report WO drill-down Excel export.
  2. Fixed issues in Form generation.
  3. Added functionality to upload documents by email.
  4. Added functionality to upload email content by email.
  5. Fixed number formatting issue in Forms.
  6. Added 'Report an Issue' functionality.

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Build 68

  1. Web service query optimizations.
  2. Fixed issue in Service Info window.
  3. Container Tracking Active count.
  4. Container Tracking filters added.
  5. Container Tracking columns re-organized.
  6. Export functionality for Container Tracking.
  7. Excluded in-active corridors from corridor lists.
  8. Fixed issues in Interactive Reports Excel exports.
  9. Fixed issue with WO Reset.
  10. Fixed issue with new event/data creation.
  11. Fixed issue with event validation.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Build 67

  1. Added Message Broadcast module.
  2. Fixed issue with User Management.
  3. User Details popup added.
  4. Fixed issue in DQ Report Export.
  5. Added Container Tracking module.
  6. Internal Query parameterization.
  7. URL Re-routing for pages.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Build 66

  1. Added Entities in global search.
  2. Added carriage return wrapping to HTML reports.
  3. Fixed issue with Dashboard Top 10 pie charts.
  4. DQ Report to exclude Cancelled Work Orders.
  5. Internal Query parameterization.
  6. Fixed issue with WO page refresh.
  7. URL Re-routing for pages.
  8. Default startup page for users.

Friday, 5 October 2012

Build 65

  1. Added Drill-down capability in WO Status Report.
  2. Added Drill-down capability in Data Quality Report.
  3. Fixed Missing Event issue in DQ reports.
  4. Re-factored email processing.
  5. Internal Query parameterization.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Build 64

  1. Added Landscape orientation to form definitions.
  2. Added Document Cancellation function.
  3. Fixed issue with Data Quality report.
  4. Fixed issue with WO Corridor Services change.
  5. Fixed issue with document downloads.
  6. Internal Query parameterization.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Build 63

  1. Dashboard trend interval can be selected between Week, Month & Quarter.
  2. Drill-down functionality added to KPI Performance report.
  3. Fixed sorting issues in Geo & Access page.
  4. Service Information popup added to Work Order page.
  5. Improved Action logging.
  6. Fixed issue in Advanced Reports filter selection.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Build 62

  1. Dashboard chart order can be changed.
  2. Master Tables section selection with postbacks.
  3. All KPI Targets and Actuals measured in days & hours.
  4. Bulk Update import file limited to 1 MB.
  5. Excel export row height autofit for multi-line data.
  6. Excel export alternate row colouring added.
  7. Time added to Work Order Alert Snooze.
  8. Fixed issue with Event/Data timestamp.
  9. Background processing interval at 30 sec.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Build 61

  1. Added User Action log view.
  2. Added User config editing.
  3. WO creation, duplication and reset placed under transactions.
  4. UTC Time-stamps independent of server time.
  5. Fixed issues in Ops search page.
  6. Added notification for users with no corridor access.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

Build 60

  1. Added GPS Vendors & Assets.
  2. Fixed Document Upload Issue.
  3. Fixed WO Event Export time.
  4. Master tables modified to include basic statistics.
  5. Fixed operations page number search error.
  6. Fixed Debug.Stop issue.
  7. Added Time for mobile pages.
  8. Fixed User Import issue.
  9. Fixed 'Responsible Person' autocomplete box.
  10. Fixed issues in Bulk Updates.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Build 59

  1. Added Time-stamp to events.
  2. User Zone made mandatory.
  3. Added direct editing of user's Time Zone.
  4. Logic for event/data update re-written to handle time.
  5. Ops export to export time.
  6. Added file grouping for attachments.
  7. Added 'Sent Reports' to Entities.
  8. Added 'Functions' to User Engagement Report.
  9. Various bug-fixes.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Build 58

  1. Missing Events column added in Data Quality Report.
  2. Added internal 'Missing' column in Data table.
  3. Missing Events filter modified.
  4. Added SP 'UpdateWOMissing'.
  5. Added 'Save & Continue' button for Form Template Editing.
  6. Removed HTML column from Templates.
  7. Added paging for Master Table - Form Definitions.
  8. Geographic Entity creation - Duplicate Code notification added.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Build 57

  1. Issue with Report Field deletion fixed.
  2. User Kick-out functionality added.
  3. Multiple emails for Users possible.
  4. Finance Types added to Master Tables.
  5. Added individual deletion for System Log.
  6. Added Daily System Log Report email.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Build 56

  1. Work Order PDF sections now user-selectable.
  2. Trade Lanes removed from system completely.
  3. Country of Origin and Final Destination fields added.
  4. KPI Filters added to Operation page.
  5. AJAX Control Toolkit tabs replaced with jQuery based tabs.
  6. Fixed issues with PDF images.
  7. KPI Refresh option added to Interactive Reports with KPI selection.
  8. Customer logo can be included in Excel templates.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Build 55

  1. Re-factoring of KPI Calculation.
  2. Fixed row freezing issue in Excel exports.
  3. Added Max Container option for templates.
  4. Fixed issue in Event/Data deletion.
  5. Fixed issue in Document email.
  6. Added KPI Performance and Event Occurence as Dashboard charts.
  7. Dashboard charts are now user selectable.
  8. Shipment Type table added to Master Tables.
  9. Direct editing of form templates.
  10. Export of Dashboard Charts source data to Excel.
  11. TrakIT platform upgraded to .Net Framework 4.0 on IIS 7.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Build 54

  1. Added support for multiple customers on same B/L.
  2. Fixed issues with Corridor/Services change refresh issue.
  3. Added Shipper/Receiver and Contractual Customer update in Bulk Updates.
  4. Fixed Issue in KPI calculation.
  5. User Management Filters re-designed.
  6. Direct internal assignment of users to corridors.
  7. B/L type Form PDF attached to selected Work Orders only.
  8. Operations Page filters show selection status.
  9. Fixed filter issue in Operations page.
  10. Added Excel template support in Advanced reports.
  11. Added Excel header filters in excel export.
  12. Globals changed from Application object to HTTP Cache.
  13. Fixed issue for re-opening of Work Order.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Build 53

  1. Container Number changed to variable length field.
  2. Several changes to Interactive Reports.
  3. Forms moved to Work Order page tab.
  4. Object queries changed to parameterized queries.
  5. Event/Data Info icon added in Work Order page.
  6. Fields added to Exports & Custom/Advanced Reports.
  7. Fixed issues in bulk updates.
  8. Corridor KPIs linked to Services.
  9. Events/Data linked to Offices and Functions.
  10. Users linked to Functions.
  11. Exclude Header option added to Custom/Advanced Excel Reports.
  12. Minimum weight required changed to 1 kg.

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Build 52

  1. Export functionality added to Entity Details Work Orders.
  2. Fixed issues in Bulk Updates.
  3. Work Order Status field added to Export & Custom/Advanced Reports.
  4. Fixed file name issue in emailing of documents.
  5. Interactive report filters re-designed.
  6. Added 'Favourite' reports functionality.
  7. Option to create new work orders with containers/manifest already in use.
  8. Data Quality Report added.
  9. Custom Report Customer Subscription includes Contractual Customer.
  10. Default Status filters for new users selected.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Build 51

  1. Work Orders added to Entity Details page.
  2. 'Number of copies' introduced in Duplicate WO functionality.
  3. Work Order documents moved to the file system.
  4. Fixed issues for div scroll positions.
  5. Copy Corridor KPIs issue fixed.
  6. User Management page - filters introduced.
  7. Advanced Reports - KPI Fields issue fixed.
  8. Event/Data Email Notifications added.
  9. Exclude KPIs from Reports functionality added.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Build 50

  1. Added 'First WO ID' to B/L View in Operations page.
  2. Added functionality to select/deselect containers from forms.
  3. Implemented Alert View/Snooze functionality in Operations page.
  4. Added 'Default Text' for Corridor Data.
  5. Re-design of Operations page filters.
  6. Work Order Close/Cancel/Re-open Logic.
  7. Abandoned Work Order flashing icon removed.
  8. Hierarchical Access for selected geographic location.
  9. Re-design of KPI Performance Report.
  10. WO Status added to Work Order page.
  11. Consolidated Daily Alert Emails.
  12. Work Orders added to Entity Details page.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Build 49

  1. Added colour support in Corridor Data.
  2. Changed Agent fields in New Work Order page to autocomplete.
  3. Depot Location can be set via Google Maps.
  4. Fixed Footer issue in Forms.
  5. Missing Events/Data filter added to Operations page.
  6. User Office included in search on User Management page.
  7. Paging added for Master KPI table.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Build 48

  1. Added support for Excel templates in Custom Reports.
  2. Master KPIs now controlled by SysAdmins.
  3. Added attachment and deletion options to Corridor Forms.
  4. Added support for location based news and distribution emails.
  5. Added checkbox for setting Contractual Customer same as Shipper/Receiver.
  6. Permission for duplication of Work Order given to Operations users.
  7. Default flags for new events changed.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Build 47

  1. Added From/To dates and Final column for KPIs and KPI Report.
  2. Fixed issue in Master tables.
  3. Added Target, In Range, Out of Range columns to KPI Report.
  4. Added 'Apply to B/L' checkbox to Snooze function.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Build 46

  1. Minor re-designing in Work Order page (Finance).
  2. Office filter and Excel export functionality added to User Engagement Report.
  3. Estimates & Actual expenses added to Custom Reports.
  4. Corridor Estimates DB schema changed.
  5. Added 'Apply to B/L' to Corridor Estimates.

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Build 45

  1. Added Origin Depot to Work Order.
  2. Added Contractual Customer to Work Order.
  3. KPIs - Apply to existing Work Orders & Force Delete added.
  4. KPIs - Added reverse calculation and current date in 'From event'
  5. Fixed Unicode issue in Forms.
  6. Increased Export page size.
  7. Fixed overflow error in Search function.
  8. Added Duplicate Work Order function.
  9. Force B/L as text in Excel export.
  10. Document Download added to Audit & Action Log.
  11. Fixed Form TextArea issue in Firefox.
  12. Added Average Days column User Engagement Report.
  13. Added grid sorting to reports.
  14. Added Transporter Code to Exports and Reports.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Build 44

  1. Added Pagehit/Loadtime statitics.
  2. Re-formatted KPI Alert Emails.
  3. Entity ID exposed as a read-only field.
  4. Fixed Issue in Custom/Advanced Reports.
  5. Added Access Level in Corridor Forms.
  6. Interactive Reports Released.
  7. Sent Mail page added.
  8. Bulk Update by Email - Permissions modified.
  9. Added Bond Agent & Clearing Agent updates to bulk updates.
  10. Fixed issue with PDF downloads.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Build 43

  1. Work Order Form PDF is attached to Work Order documents.
  2. Removed Page Size and Orientation from Form definition.
  3. Added Form History page for Admins.
  4. Fixed issue in forms.aspx page.
  5. Update of trigger event for form creation.
  6. Bulk Update permissions corrected.
  7. Change Corridor/Services permissions changed.
  8. Work Order deletion period increased to 96 hours after creation.
  9. Added <Void> field in Excel Export.
  10. End Event renamed to Required Event.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Build 42

  1. MS Excel Export issue fixed.
  2. Removed 'Door Delivery', 'Shipper Owned' and 'Hazardous Cargo' checkboxes from New Work Order page.
  3. Changed number of containers in New Work Order page to 40.
  4. Fixed issue with popup windows.
  5. Fixed issue in temp file deletion.
  6. Added trigger event for form creation.
  7. Added User ID and Creation time to form PDF.
  8. Fixed issue in Custom Reports.
  9. Download Function added for PDF Forms.
  10. Added auto-incrementing reference number to PDF Forms.
  11. Work Order Header fields added to Operations Data filter.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Build 41

  1. MS Excel Export Added.
  2. Added Depot to Custom & Advanced Reports.
  3. Fixed issue in Work Order page.
  4. Changed to State Server Session mode.
  5. Fixed access rights issues.
  6. KPI Snooze changed to date.
  7. Added PDF Email functionality for Forms.
  8. Added PDF Generation of Work Order.
  9. Added Work Order 'CREATED' date in KPI calculation.

Saturday, 31 March 2012

Build 40

  1. Update and removal of events as per services.
  2. Changed Responsible Person to autocomplete field in New Work Order page.
  3. Fixed issue in autocomplete script.
  4. Offline page refreshes automatically.
  5. Templates assigned to Corridors.
  6. Secondary Service column added to Export and Custom/Advanced Reports.
  7. Priority update possible via bulk update.
  8. Multiple document upload for work orders.
  9. Days elapsed since last event displayed in Work Order view.
  10. Export functionality re-engineered.
  11. Bulk upload overwrite access changed.
  12. Shipment Type added to Bulk Updates.<

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Build 39

  1. Work Order Priority field added.
  2. Fixed autocomplete issue in Work Order Edit page
  3. Fixed number of email recipients limit.
  4. Added bulk update by email support.

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Build 38

  1. Advanced Reports Test version ready.
  2. Allow automatic population of empty B/L and container number.
  3. Changed Entity Document upload user selection.
  4. Fixed issues in email updates.
  5. Fixed issue in Export page.
  6. Admin Corridors Access logic changed.
  7. More ajax fields in Work Order Edit page.
  8. Added <Void> to export to indicate non-existence of data
  9. Normalized method for handle CBLs.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Build 37

  1. Consolidated Custom Reports added.
  2. Changed Custom Event customer selection.
  3. Changed Document upload user selection.
  4. Removed restriction of one primary service required.
  5. Added POP Inbox page for SysAdmins.
  6. Fixed issue in Export page.
  7. Added text box helper watermarks.
  8. Changed customer search logic.
  9. Work order opens directly after creation.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

Build 36

  1. Main menu redesigned.
  2. 'Global' search function added.
  3. Depot import added to bulk updates.
  4. Fixed issue in 'Created By' filter.
  5. Added blank value overwrite option in Bulk Updates.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Build 35

  1. Added 'Internal Remarks' to Custom Report Fields.
  2. Fixed issues in Bulk Updates.
  3. Logic for closing work orders changed.
  4. App Start/Stop functionality added.
  5. Added container type "Reefer (Dry)".

Friday, 2 March 2012

Build 34

  1. Bulk Update to allow copy/paste from Excel.
  2. Custom Report field title to be auto-populated.
  3. Country selection for customers.
  4. Allow quick creation of new customers.
  5. Date Update by incoming emails.
  6. Filters in Export page can be saved.

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Build 33

  1. Bulk Update page introduced.
  2. KPI Alert Snooze functionality added.
  3. One-click access to work order.
  4. Open new work order right after creation.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Build 32

  1. Edit Work Order Header functionality re-designed.
  2. Auto-complete feature for Customer and Responsible Person when editing WO header.
  3. Added 'Apply to B/L' flag in Change Corridor/Services page.
  4. Added date selection modes in Corridor KPI definitions.
  5. Added "Remarks for B/L" field in Work Order.
  6. Added pop-up for alerts in operations page.
  7. Added check for duplicate container/manifest in active work orders.
  8. Fixed Corridor Filter issue in Operations Page.
  9. Fixed issue in City/Depot selection in new work order creation.
  10. Fixed User import issues.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Build 31

  1. New KPI functionality released.
  2. Auto-complete feature for customers when creating new work orders.
  3. Fixed issue in Entity Document upload.
  4. Fixed issue in Operations page filter.
  5. Users Online background update.
  6. Export functionality for Corridor Events, Data & KPIs.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Build 30

  1. Persistent Filters in Operations page.
  2. Added filter for Primary Services.
  3. Optimizations in Master Tables page.
  4. Users can upload documents of any profile.
  5. Filter customization list sorted alphabetically.
  6. Added field Primary service for export and custom reports.
  7. Fixed issue in City/Depot dropdown list.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

Build 29

  1. Added Work Order List for shipment within work order page.
  2. 'Depot' renamed to 'City/Depot' and displays city and/or depot for work order.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Build 28

  1. Fixed filter issue.
  2. Fixed Custom Report issue.
  3. Added View to operations page.
  4. Fixed issue in corridor duplication.
  5. Additions to Master Tables - Offices & Forms.
  6. Master Tables page redesigned.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Build 27

  1. Corrected issue with Entity Creation.
  2. Added functionality to Copy Custom Report.
  3. Fixed issue with numeric filter with commas.
  4. Removed Template link with Offices.
  5. Added Custom Reports for Users with Event filters.
  6. Fixed Entity Export Issue.
  7. Corrected Event sequence for single corridor export.
  8. Added flag to dis-allow 'NA' entry for events.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Build 26

  1. Event/Data suffix appears in gray.
  2. Calendar control re-positioned and TBA link added.
  3. Document count corrected for shared documents.
  4. Edit Event/Data and Edit Entity windows re-designed.
  5. Document Email selection check moved to client javascript.
  6. Added single corridor selection for events and data filters.
  7. Added Entity filter panel.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Build 25

  1. Default 'Apply to B/L' flag added for corridor Events and Data.
  2. Document count displayed on Work Order and Entity Grids.
  3. WiW added for Responsible person.
  4. Save' message popup fixed.
  5. Fixed service Filter for corridor events and data.
  6. Access Denied page to provide more information.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Build 24

  1. Event filters optimized.
  2. Services filter added to corridor events
  3. Fixed issue with Work Order Documents.
  4. Added capability to email multiple documents.
  5. Corridor filter sort order corrected.
  6. Added check for no service selection.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Build 23

  1. Added filter for completed / not completed events.
  2. Work order 'Save' button relocated.
  3. Trade Lanes & Verticals can be de-activated
  4. Fixed issue in event service selection.
  5. Added icon to mark end events for a work order.
  6. Entity Code made mandatory.
  7. Entity Country made mandatory (except for Carriers).

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Build 22

  1. Fixed issue in work order hyperlink in email.
  2. 'Mode' removed from corridors.
  3. Countries can now be selected as Origin & Destination.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Build 21

  1. Introduction of Corridor Services.
  2. Encrypted query string on work orders removed.
  3. Separate page for work order document upload.