Friday 26 July 2024

Build 350

  • Fixed issue with attendance time updates
  • PDF and Excel export added for Attendance
  • Linked Assets added to Assets export
  • Clear All FinRef allowed for user roles
  • Allocate accounts for bills - hide closed jobs by default
  • Added custom exchange rate date for Bills
  • Messaging Vendor table completed
  • Google Space / MS-Teams / Telegram messaging implemented
  • Ops Menu changed to single menu

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Build 349

  • Role Management section for HR added
  • Employee Master added
  • Employee Attendance Added
  • Account Code added to Bill template account table
  • Select employees for Attendance time update
  • Quotation Exchange Rate on form
  • Added hyperlinks to Ops page Excel Export
  • Currency filter added on Finance page
  • Company DDL added to Asset selection when adding to WO
  • No TBA option added to Events
  • User Email made non-mandatory
  • Department master table added
  • Department field added to Employees
  • Action Log added to Employee detail page
  • Employee Photo added

Build 348

  • Logging allocation/de-allocation of accounts
  • Fixes to Internal Posting
  • Fixed asset selection for SysAdmin
  • Added ParentWO property to Work Order
  • Added warning for account taxes for Internal Posting
  • Added WO link on finance page when all WO are cancelled
  • Computed Field on Asset Data
  • Designation Master table added
  • Computed Asset Data recompute via Event/Data action
  • Recompute field all for Asset Type
  • Allocate Asset Action added

Thursday 20 June 2024

Build 347

  • /api/v1/GetWOListByUpdated added
  • Fixed Document deletion notification
  • Recompute computed fields on Doc checklist assignment or renaming
  • Internal Posting module added
  • Fixed issue with Asset/Depot map view
  • Get Address implemented for Asset Locations

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Build 346

  • Timed OTP Authentication implemented
  • Apply to Job for WO Internal Remarks and Customer Remarks
  • /api/v1/GetBillList added
  • /api/v1/GetBill added
  • Update reciprocal exchange rates
  • Added custom validation/actions for Cancel/Restore/Delete document
  • Time Zone change detection added on Login
  • Custom Actions to hit external TrakIT API

Monday 20 May 2024

Build 345

  • Allow sheet separator for advanced report custom SQL field
  • Portuguese language selection added
  • Mobile API VerifyOTP implemented
  • Gross Profit added to Quotation Export
  • Finance - Initialize Job by quotation - Filter added for workflow
  • Added custom actions for Document title/filename updates
  • Tabs on Master Tables page

Monday 6 May 2024

Build 344

  • Addition of v1/Invoice related APIs
  • Added Unicode support for Assets and Asset Data
  • Added Action/Validation for Job level WF/Service change
  • User related custom Validations & Actions added
  • Direct Event Update by QR Code
  • Common Field type added for Assets Fields

Friday 19 April 2024

Build 343

  • Bill Number update to include Unicode
  • Reverse Approval of Job added as action under Role Management
  • Limited Bulk Updates to 10,000 cells or 10,000 rows, whichever comes first.
  • Create Job from Quotation
  • Allow revising quotation without incrementing revision number
  • Allow attachment of supporting documents when sending quotation
  • Workflow Data available in Quotation
  • Initialization of Estimates when creating a job from a quotation
  • Bulk update of Base and Alternate Currency Amounts

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Build 342

  • Finance Master Data Link removed
  • Active field added on Event/Data actions
  • Event/Data filters on Ops and Finance page redesigned
  • Added Checklist items on Workflow Documents page
  • Added Export function on Workflow Documents page
  • Validations & Actions moved to SysAdmin pages
  • Entity Fields and WO Count added to Quotations
  • Upload documents by T/D number
  • Assets made linkable by Asset Type
  • Rev/Exp & Job Creation filter added to Accounts page
  • Added 'Disabled' flag on Workflow Checklist documents
  • Added Transporter and Return Transporter on Create Shipment
  • Added default option for entity type to be job or WO level
  • Added Notifications on WO T/D, Workflow or Service change

Thursday 7 March 2024

Build 341

  • Debit Notes enabled
  • Responsible Person added in Advanced Report filters
  • Debit Note introduced
  • Financial Year added
  • Invoice, Credit Note, Debit Note serial numbers made separate
  • Automatic Exchange Rate Update implemented
  • Mandatory Data fields for WO Creation
  • WO Reset function optimized
  • Disallow decimals on currency that don't have decimals
  • Checklist Document Request upload link expiry increased to 24 hours
  • Checklist Document Request Subject and Message is retained as per user
  • Invoices Page - Workflow Group filter removed
  • Account Bulk Update function added
  • Quotation Validity made optional
  • Custom validation added for Quotation

Friday 16 February 2024

Build 340

  • Added export of all Actions from Role Management
  • Update Container Positions through Yard Import
  • Validations/Actions for WO Asset Allocation and Removal
  • Alternate Rates added for Exchange Rates
  • Custom SQL columns added for Invoice Items
  • Html template added for Invoice line item Account column
  • Added "Common" Data Fields for any Entity Type

Monday 5 February 2024

Build 339

  • Finance Notifications module added
  • Planned Yard Moves bulk update
  • Service Selection for Bulk Creation
  • Multi-file upload enabled on external bill creation
  • Work Order, Job, Finance & other pages located under Master page

Friday 19 January 2024

Build 338

  • Application Settings and Data Retention Policy split into separate pages
  • User Files page added
  • WO Duplication limit increased to 200
  • Allow "For WO" accounts on Quotations
  • Allow checklist selection on WO level documents
  • Menu added to Invoice & Bill pages