Saturday, 29 September 2012

Build 64

  1. Added Landscape orientation to form definitions.
  2. Added Document Cancellation function.
  3. Fixed issue with Data Quality report.
  4. Fixed issue with WO Corridor Services change.
  5. Fixed issue with document downloads.
  6. Internal Query parameterization.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Build 63

  1. Dashboard trend interval can be selected between Week, Month & Quarter.
  2. Drill-down functionality added to KPI Performance report.
  3. Fixed sorting issues in Geo & Access page.
  4. Service Information popup added to Work Order page.
  5. Improved Action logging.
  6. Fixed issue in Advanced Reports filter selection.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Build 62

  1. Dashboard chart order can be changed.
  2. Master Tables section selection with postbacks.
  3. All KPI Targets and Actuals measured in days & hours.
  4. Bulk Update import file limited to 1 MB.
  5. Excel export row height autofit for multi-line data.
  6. Excel export alternate row colouring added.
  7. Time added to Work Order Alert Snooze.
  8. Fixed issue with Event/Data timestamp.
  9. Background processing interval at 30 sec.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Build 61

  1. Added User Action log view.
  2. Added User config editing.
  3. WO creation, duplication and reset placed under transactions.
  4. UTC Time-stamps independent of server time.
  5. Fixed issues in Ops search page.
  6. Added notification for users with no corridor access.