Monday 14 October 2024

Build 356

  • Folder drag and drop implemented
  • Company deactivation functionality implemented
  • Yard Form Yard/Move selection and Autogenerate properties added
  • Form generation on yard moves
  • Added validation for GeoData custom filter
  • Documents tab added to Company Details
  • Disallow linked assets to attach to WO when disabled for Asset Type
  • Re-compute Data fields on upload of Docs by Doc Transfer API
  • WO Seal Number size increased to 100 chars
  • Load Type added to Advanced Report Filters

Monday 30 September 2024

Build 355

  • Service Filter added to Finance page
  • Added Data section to /api/v1/getentity
  • Fixed issue with Advanced Report asset data column
  • Data Link field removed from Finance Masters
  • Data filters added to Entities page
  • Added Reset function to Payment/Receipts
  • Finance Bulk Action added for SysAdmins
  • Fixed Quotation currency issue
  • Added Files tab in app/yard/gatein/out
  • Unique property added for Data Fields
  • Created By filter added on Payment/Receipts page
  • Added 'Description' to Workflow Event/Data export
  • Added 'Updated' to Quotation export
  • Added Alt X-Rate property to Bills
  • Home page split into News and Documents
  • Documents page redesigned
  • Zatca fixes

Tuesday 17 September 2024

Build 354

  • Fixes for Document Send action
  • Additions to v1/GetWO
  • Fixes to Yard Moves export
  • Fixes for Ops Export
  • Added Workflow Definition link on WO page
  • Event/Data Requires validation to check all open WO in job when 'Apply to Job' is selected
  • Fixed currency issue on Job creation from Quotation
  • Fixed Payments module to use BillActual instead of BillTotal
  • Fixed selection of WO on Yard Ops
  • Added Bill/Invoice Number filter to Receipts/Payment detail page
  • Added "Has Yard Move" and "No Yard Move" under Ops page "Special Conditions" filter
  • "In Yard" filter added on Container Master
  • Filters added to Yard Moves page: Direction, Full/Empty, Mode, Executed
  • Assets page - Sort by Name/Serial

Friday 6 September 2024

Build 353

  • Allow editing of executed gate moves
  • Query Report - Timestamp parameter added for Support queries
  • Run custom validation for each filtered work order on B/L level form
  • Fixed issue with Quotation Geo Data fields
  • Fixed issue with Gate-In Direction
  • Added flag for API Access to Advanced Report subscriptions
  • Added API to access Advanced Report subscription /api/public/advreport
  • Added Jobs tab to quotation detail page
  • Added quotation filter for Finance page
  • Added API /api/v1/GetJob?Num=ABCD1234
  • Added Credit Days to Debit Notes
  • Added API /api/v1/GetWO?ID=1234
  • IPost column added in Accounts page
  • Reason Master table added
  • Reason field added to Quotations
  • Additional Companies added to User Export
  • Jurnul Finance interface removed
  • Update WO Status after Bulk Creation
  • Fixed issue with Ops page Service Filter

Monday 26 August 2024

Build 352

  • Validation/Actions added for Payment/Receipt Create & Approval
  • Validation/Actions added for Work Order Re-Open
  • Partially Paid filter added to Bills page
  • Zatca Fixes
  • Clear FinRef implemented for IPosts
  • Geography & Access Create/Edit issue fixed
  • Master ID added to Finance Job Export
  • Added Photo Count to Yard Moves table
  • Add to Container table on creation of WO
  • 'With Photos' filter added on Yard Moves page
  • Quotation Cancellation reason box made bigger
  • Name/Date added to uploaded photos
  • Fixed issue with exchange rate on Set Amount command
  • Added Type Code and Verified filters on Container Master page
  • Data Field definition "Location" renamed to "Google Place"
  • Allow private Telegram chat IDs
  • Add selected WO Service on bulk create if WO already exists
  • Dashboard Export function modified to include unit
  • Permission bug in Workflow Reports fixed
  • Depot type data field changed to Location type data field
  • Depots renamed to Locations
  • Incoterms field added
  • Auto-refresh button paused when document is not active

Thursday 8 August 2024

Build 351

  • Filters added for Payments/ReceiptsYard View tables combined to one
  • Implement Event/Data action by Job or WO
  • Custom list implemented for Depot data field
  • Saudi Zatca fixes made
  • Search boxes added on some CBL filters
  • Depot Distances page introduced
  • Added AsFile option on Query Report API call
  • Fixes for KPI calculation after bulk updates
  • Re-calc all KPI for Workflow (for Support only)
  • Allow own bot for Telegram messaging
  • Added Sequence No. to Payment/Receipt table
  • Allow assigning of workflow based on own workflow access only
  • Allow assigning of geographical location based on own access only
  • Workflow Definitions > Workflow Groups changed to tabs
  • Bulk update of Income accounts and allocation to Invoices
  • User cannot change own roles or menu access

Friday 26 July 2024

Build 350

  • Fixed issue with attendance time updates
  • PDF and Excel export added for Attendance
  • Linked Assets added to Assets export
  • Clear All FinRef allowed for user roles
  • Allocate accounts for bills - hide closed jobs by default
  • Added custom exchange rate date for Bills
  • Messaging Vendor table completed
  • Google Space / MS-Teams / Telegram messaging implemented
  • Ops Menu changed to single menu